• Making An Antique Working Spoon Using Modern Power Tools

    You’ll be surprised at how much you learn about the process from just one spoon. You can either leave it with its raw, chipped finish – almost primitive-looking – as I like to do, https://bestwoodcarvingtool.com/how-to-carve-wooden-spoon/ or sand it smooth and give it a more refined feel. Bear in mind that once you start sanding, you won’t be able to carve it any more, as the sand particles will dull the knife.

    I started burnishing with a smooth hard pebble, which worked fine. More recently I have started using a piece of cut down and polished antler and a ceramic pestle that I had kicking around. By rubbing the spoon all over, I smooth and harden the surface and knock back any sharp corners that may persist. Burnishing is like a secret weapon, something few carvers talk about but that makes a huge difference.

    Diy: Easy

    Just to show that rules are made to be broken, Juglans nigra is a semi-ring-porous. It’s a very desirable wood, often harvested for veneer and cabinetry. The carved wood spoon great thing about spoon carving is that we don’t need the big bits of wood that gets turned into slabs. There’s plenty of material in the crown of the tree.

    • The movement comes from your upper body and shoulder.
    • You can cap the ends with candlewax, which will help it retain moisture and dry out slowly.
    • Find out more about our new epic project and beautiful limited edition spoons.

    Check out this post – 5 Best Trees for Spoon Carving – for insights into picking a good piece of wood to get you started. In New Mexico, I carved three spoons with mahogany offcuts from Mehedi’s workshop on a succession of weekend campouts, like our winter fatbiking arroyo adventure – see images above. The wood was hard to carve, but it looks great and it feels like it will last forever. Indeed, with long and cold evenings ahead, whittling a spoon around a campfire is especially enticing.

    Step 4 Shape The Outside Of The Bowl And Handle.

    The abrasives I use are 400 grit, 600 grit, and 1,000 grit. Carving a spoon can be a meditative job that allows you to take a block of wood and end up with a piece of art that is also a functional kitchen utensil. This spoon is made from walnut and can be made in just a couple hours with basic tools. Though this may look complicated https://bestwoodcarvingtool.com/ and daunting, it is a simple task that most anyone can pick up on their first try. Don’t expect perfection on your first spoon, but you can expect to be proud and happy of the work you’ve done. This can even be made with a block of firewood though the softer the wood like poplar, walnut or cherry, the easier it is to carve.

    how to carve a spoon

    At this point, the handle is 1 inch thick as the original block of rough cut wood was 1 inch thick. I really only want the handle to be between 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch thick, so that means I can rip down the backside of the handle and remove a lot of the waste with a hand saw. This is a good chance to express yourself and have a little bit of fun. Normally I like to work from a stock piece of wood that’s about 3 in wide by 1 in thick by however long I want the spoon to be. But this can be made out of most any material size you have on hand or even firewood.

    The two main carving grips I use are a pull stroke to my chest and a thumb push, often used for smoothing the spoon or taking chips away from the back of the bowl. The pull stroke seems counter-intuitive and even dangerous, but at this angle your hand should always hit your body before the blade. Holding the spoon and knife tightly in each hand, use your thumb to apply pressure and push the back of the blade. Once you are happy with the depth and shape of your bowl, grab your axe. You will now carefully, using the same short, light chops you used to flatten the face of your workpiece, begin to roughly shape your spoon. The more work you do with your hatchet, the faster your overall project will go.

    05/02/2021 / sydplatinum / Comments Off on Making An Antique Working Spoon Using Modern Power Tools

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